
Make Your Business Ambitions a Reality

Whatever your industry and however specialized your equipment, Emir Oil LLP provides you with the right lubricants that can bring you great savings by helping to maximize equipment efficiency, prolong vehicle engine life and reduce underperformance and downtimes.

Emir Oil LLP lubricants can help you to prolong machinery life, reduce maintenance costs and emissions, and increase equipment availability. From heavy-duty engine oils to specialist final-drive lubricants, we supply a wide range of innovative products and supporting services backed up by international expertise.

  • Confident growth and comfort
  • Emir oil Always strive for the best, and we succeed
  • We will become the best company of its kind, and these are not just words
About one fifth of the world's population lives in developed countries, while consuming half of the world's energy. Now, with rapid urbanization in many developing countries, the demand for electricity is growing even faster.
About one fifth of the world's population lives in developed countries, while consuming half of the world's energy. Now, with rapid urbanization in many developing countries, the demand for electricity is growing even faster.
About one fifth of the world's population lives in developed countries, while consuming half of the world's energy. Now, with rapid urbanization in many developing countries, the demand for electricity is growing even faster.